The Alsop Cup team has been selected for the first game of their campaign which sees us against Lancashire on Saturday 26th June at Backworth Welfare BC. The following team has been chosen:
M Dickinson, G Jobe, D Bolton, Jacky Taylor;
M Stewart, Jim Taylor, S Williams, L Birch;
L Jones, F Scott, C Cairns, M Heron;
K Miller, J Norris, R Donkin, A Johnson senior;
B Turner, P Timney, M Barrass, G Donkin;
A Pomfrey, M Bishop, F Short, P Dawson;
Reserves from (not in any order): S Welsh, M Fairbairn, I Webb.
Players are asked to arrive between 1:20 pm – 1:30 pm please and report to Keith Rowe Team Manager.
Dress: Due to the current situation (Covid_19) players to arrive in county playing tops and whites (and just need to change in to your bowls shoes). This avoids congestion or limitations in numbers and contacts in changing rooms. Any player who requires a county playing top / and jacket please contact Keith.
If any player is not available please can you contact Keith Rowe at the earliest opportunity on 07779901850. Team Manager reserves the right to amend the team, if necessary.