- The leagues shall be conducted under the Rules & Regulations of Bowls England and in accordance with the current Laws of the Sport of Bowls. Every club affiliated to the association to be eligible to compete provided the club has 9 or more registered players. A player may only play out of one Club at any time. A player may transfer to one other Club through the season but may NOT play again for their original Club during that season.
- The game shall be played on a Wednesday in accordance with the fixture list. A side will consist of 9 Players, 3 rinks of 3 players, 2 woods per player. playing 18 ends. One shot to count on first 2 ends. ALL GAMES TO COMMENCE AT 2 pm. Secretary or Captain to toss for jack to commence game.
- In all League Matches, six points will be awarded to the winning team, with three points each in a drawn game. In addition, 2 points will be awarded to each winning rink (1 point each for a draw). MAXIMUM 12 POINTS.
- If after a period of 30 minutes of the time fixed for the game, a single player is absent from a team, then one rink will consist of a pair playing 3 bowls each whilst the opponents remain a triple playing with 2 bowls each. The pair will lose one-third of their total score. If only 7 players are present after 30 minutes of the fixed start time, the match cannot be played and the defaulting team will be awarded 0 points and their opponents will receive 12 point.
- Any side fielding 8 players for more than three games will on the fourth and subsequent game be penalised by losing any points and shots gained by the offending team’s pair, the 2 rink points that the team fielding 3 players might collect. The 2 rink points will be awarded to the opposing rink. When a team is in default, the Hon league Secretary will notify both secretaries of the amendment of the score.
- A club cannot request a rearranged game because they are unable to raise a team. Any club cancelling a game for this reason will not earn points or shots and the opponents will claim the match and be awarded 12 points. A game can only be rearranged if adverse weather or unsafe ground conditions will not allow the game to start or if the green is committed to another game (i.e. visiting tourists). Exceptional circumstances may be taken in to consideration, teams should contact the Hon League Secretary prior to the game. Should a game have to be cancelled because of bad weather, the home club should contact the opponents before 11.30am thus allowing sufficient time to cancel transport and inform all players.
- (a)At the start of the game it must be the intention to complete 18 ends. Where extreme weather conditions cause the game to be dangerous, and provided both secretaries/captains agree, where at least 11 ends have been completed by each rink, the result for each rink will count at the time the game is stopped. The game will then be declared as having being played. 7 (b) Should one player become unwell then a reserve may complete the 18 ends for her. If there is no reserve, then the remaining 2 players of the team should play with 3 bowls each and from that point in the game only, lose one-third of their score. If one rink stops playing for any reason before 18 ends, then the opposition will be awarded the full 12 points and none earned by the offending club will count.
- If 11 ends have not been completed as described in rule 7 (a), the match is then considered unfinished and the following applies: – a)Where the game is unfinished, it shall resume with the scores as they were when the game was stopped. An end commenced, but not completed shall be declared void. b) The match must be completed as soon as possible and before the end of the season. The home team must offer 3 dates that do not conflict with any county events Failure to comply will result in the points being awarded to the opponents as described in Rule 6. Any disputes should be referred to the Hon League Secretary. If the league Secretary cannot give a solution then the complaint will be referred to the Bowls Northumberland Women’s Section committee.
- Home team to provide tea and biscuits after the game and to appoint one person to act as umpire before start of game.
- Official score sheets, supplied to each club, must be completed by the home team, signed by the representative of both clubs after the game and sent immediately by first class post or e-mail to the Hon League Secretary.
- In the event of two or more clubs finishing the league on equal points, the highest aggregate shots shall determine the winner. In the event of a draw, the matter shall be referred to the committee for consideration.
- DRESS CODE: registered club tops etc can be worn. Otherwise grey regulation skirt/ trousers/ crops/ shorts. White or cream tops, opaque with sleeves and collar. Waterproof hats, if worn, should be white with the exception of green visors. Open toed sandals are not permitted. Bowling shoes with colour are permitted.
- Smoking is not permitted during any game.
- For safety reasons, umbrellas are not recommended as these could be a danger to other players. Liability may fall on club or individuals.