Challenge Cup Rules

1. The competition shall be known as the ‘Northumberland Challenge Cup’ and be open to affiliated clubs of the association. Each club to be represented by Two rinks of 4 players, however clubs may nominate up to TEN players.

2. The competing clubs to be divided into sections and the competitions played off in necessary rounds and a final consisting of six clubs.

3. i) The first round games to take place on separate greens on a Saturday morning and afternoon commencing at 10.30 am (15 mins grace to be allowed)

ii) The winners of each section in the first round, together with clubs receiving byes, to be drawn into six sections of six clubs in the semi-final. The winners of the six sections in the Semi-Final to meet in the Final at a venue determined by the Secretary before the draw is published. (No games shall be played on a Sunday).

iii) Each set shall consist of 8 ends irrespective of how many clubs compete in the section. Each club plays every other club in its section. One trial end will be played before the start of the first game in the mornings play ‘ no other trial ends from then on’. Dead ends will be replayed.

iv) The draw will be so arranged that the winners of all rounds will not be ascertained until the last matches of the day. A match winner to be the club with the highest score when the scores of the two rinks are aggregated. The winner of each section to be the club with the highest number of points, two points in each match to be awarded for a win, one point for a draw. If two or more clubs finish with equal points, the winner to be the club with the highest shots difference. In the event of two clubs having the same points and shots difference, the winner to be determined by the result of the match between the two clubs. If it was a draw, the club scoring the highest number of shots during the day’s play to be the winners, otherwise the toss of a coin.

v) Where play has to be abandoned, results of all completed (or part completed) matches played up to the time of abandonment will count and the winners of the round (First, Semi-Final or Final) will be determined as per conditions stated in the forth-going paragraph. If no play is possible, the winners of the First Round and / or Semi-Final date then it will be played on a new date prior to the set Final date. If this new date also has no play possible then the winner will be determined by the drawing of lots. If no play is possible in the Final, it will be held over to an early date in the following season.

4. All competing Clubs should take their turn “hosting”. the responsibility of the Host clubs to include the making of all arrangements either at their own greens or elsewhere and paying all green fees.

5. The entrance fee is £5. Entries close on the 31st October.

6. Each competing team shall nominate a “Team Captain” who must present their squad names to the host club organiser before the commencement of play on the day of the event; the names to be in the format of 2 rinks of 4 players (Named Rink A & Rink B) who will compete in the initial set; and, if nominated, the names of other squad members (substitutes). After the completion of the first set, or any subsequent set, one or both “substitutes” may be introduced into either Rink A or Rink B, or the initial players of that rink may be re-instated. However no player may play for both rinks A and B during the days play. No positional changes are permitted during a set, however players in a rink may changes positions within that rink after a set has been completed. In the event of illness preventing a player competing a set, the Team Captain may in agreement with the Host Club Organiser enter a substitute to that rink, though the substitute may not skip. The skips in each set should ensure that all players names are noted on the scorecard (their own and opposition), though any player in the rink may keep the card and score.

7. A club need not be represented in the Semi-Final or Final by the same players or any who represented the Club in an earlier round. A player having represented his club in the Challenge Cup, CANNOT play for another club in the same season.

8. The winning Club to be entitled to hold for one year the “Northumberland Challenge Cup” and the Runners-Up to hold the “John Trotter Memorial Trophy”.

9. Host clubs shall provide refreshments free of charge for competitors during the lunch-time break and also provide facilities for competitors to eat their own food.

10. Dress to be in accordance with Rule 3 (DRESS) of County Competition Conditions.

11. Should a club enter the competition but withdraw within four weeks of their first scheduled matches or fail to turn up when due to play they will be fined £20 and barred from entering the competition until the fine is paid.

12. Any player that is unregistered, then that player/team will be in default and will be disqualified from this competition