Hard lines Gentlemen in the Middleton Cup. Hopefully Northumberland ladies may meet Lincolnshire ladies in the Final of the Walker Cup and get revenge.
Yes, Northumberland ladies compete this Sunday (25th) against Nottinghamshire in the regional semi final at Redcar Borough Park. Early start at 9.30am.
If successful, the final will take place that afternoon against either Derbyshire or Lincolnshire.
It is less than a 90 minute drive so supporters will be most welcome.
Hope to see as many of you there as possible! 🍀
The following schedule has been issued:
- 7:45 – Coach leaves West Denton IBC
- 9:30 – Teams to arrive
- 9:45 – Bowls ready for inspection
- 10:00 – Semi-finals commences
- 14:00 – Final commences