Can it get any hotter ? Today found our Northumberland Ladies travelling to Redcar to play their third away match in the Stella Logan League. First and foremost the team are to be congratulated in seeing out a match played in extreme heat, at least 27degrees and no shade whatsoever.
Redcar green is very exposed but the green did not seem to be under any stress, it looked well watered. Joan Gledhill’s rink settled to the pace of the green quickly and held on to a great win 20 v 16. Anne Marie Murray’s rink started slowly but it became a game of two halves, eventually ending 19 v 21 down, a valiant effort. Mary Urwin’s score of 12 v 28 and Karen Harvey’s score 10 v 27 does not reflect their respective games. Often both rinks holding shots just to be pipped by last woods. Overall score Northumberland 61 v 92 Yorkshire. A lot of positives to build on. Well done ladies.