As some of you are aware the position of Men’s Treasurer has been vacant for the past season – due to Ray Robson resigning and moving to Spain.
However, the plans for Ray (Robson) and his wife Alison have not materialised as yet, and Ray has supported the association greatly this past year and has continued in this role. I (and all of GPC) would sincerely like to thank Ray for his continued help, work and support in this key position during this time.
BUT moving forward we need someone to fill this vacancy permanently, as for one Ray (and Alison) will be in Spain.
If anyone is interested in anyway in this position please can you contact George Batey ASAP. Perhaps you are interested but not sure what the role involves, work or commitment then please again speak or contact George (or myself – John Harthen).
Finally may I wish Ray and Alison all the very best in their plans and future in Spain or wherever that maybe.