As you may be aware the leagues have been altered as we are starting later than originally scheduled. The reason for this is due to the latest HM Government guidelines and roadmap – in particular with numbers at a venue. The roadmap outlined the date of May 17th, where the maximum number is 30 at a venue.
Therefore, all of the leagues will be starting that week with the Knight Cup and Nines starting on Tuesday 18th May and Clegg Cup starting on the next evening Wednesday 19th May.
The amount of fixtures in each league has remained the same, as we feel we want to be playing and have some normality in a safe environment. In some leagues there is a need for clubs to arrange a fixture between themselves or to be played on the date shown (i.e. in Clegg 1 and Knight 1, 2 and 3 with game 17 by / or on 30th July and game 18 by / or on 30th August).
In the Nines league (I know some of you have been trying to access this week – and when accessing the page it came up with the Collins & Shipley League – don’t worry there was not a fault – when the page is being worked on / or not published then it shows a different page). Anyway on the league, like the Clegg and Knight all the fixtures originally compiled are still there, but of course with different dates. With removing the first 4 Tuesdays and Fridays, and with the league starting later – it has meant there are NOW 6 Friday fixtures (starting on 23 July), and the league now finishing at the end of August. On the Friday fixtures, although they have dates – these fixtures can be re-arranged if that is mutually agreed with both clubs.