As you know the second half of the season has not been good in terms of weather, and some games were postponed due to this.
The rule (7b) for playing games within the 10 days at the end of the season has been slightly relaxed – and this has been extended until the end of August. As the League Secretary acknowledges some clubs were or are having difficulty in arranging games.
Please note this only covers games that were cancelled due to the weather (as per rule 7 – which is shown at the bottom of this post).
Again please arrange games at the earliest opportunity where possible, as for example if you leave until last day and it rains then that game may be void. So please contact your opposition club and get these arranged asap, where you can.
As we all want games to be played and of course we want clubs promoted or otherwise, with points being awarded for being on the green.
Any queries or problems please contact League Secretary Jim Holmes (07375519006).
Below is taken from the rules –7. Where matches are postponed or not completed but not due to weather conditions, the game must be played within 4 weeks after cancellation or declared void. If the matches are postponed but due to weather conditions, then the following conditions will apply:
a) The match must be played within 10-days days after the last scheduled Clegg fixture.
b) If, for any reason other than a team being in default, matches are not played as in (a) then they are void, and neither team will receive or lose points or shots.
c) The two clubs should agree a mutually convenient date for any re-arranged game. If no agreement can be reached then the matter is referred to the League Secretary.
d) Where a game is unfinished it shall resume with the scores as they were when the game stopped unless at least 11 ends (Clegg and Knight Leagues) or 9 ends (Nines League) have been completed on all rinks when by mutual agreement the result will stand. The result to be determined by the usual method for the appropriate league, taking into account the scores of all completed ends on each individual rink.