Following the Men’s AGM yesterday – a meeting was held virtually to look at the season ahead, along with the guidance that had been issued by Bowls England on Friday 26th March.
The county are positive and optimistic that we can have some sort of season – and have worked over the last number of weeks in putting together the league, cup and competition programme. Throughout this process we have been following the HM Government (HMG) Roadmap along with guidance from our national governing body – Bowls England (BE).
We need to ease in to the season, hence putting leagues back in line with the HMG roadmap, and cups moved back to July and August.
- This allows more or our bowlers getting their first vaccine and in some cases their second one.
- Each Clubs Responsibility.
- Individual / Everyones Responsibility
- Sensible
- Hopefully Pandemic decreased and less prevalent
- Social distancing WILL remain
- Be Respectful to fellow bowlers
- Lets not thrown things away
BEFORE opening some measures from each club will need to be in place.
COVID RISK ASSESSMENT – Select Risk Assessment – Microsoft Word
- This is a MUST to do.
- And needs to happen BEFORE your club opens
- This needs to be displayed in your respective clubhouses and copy sent back to George Batey.
- Don’t worry – it shouldn’t take too long to complete – but it is essential that each club does it.
BOOKING SYSTEM (On-Line) or Paper one by a rep at your club
- This avoids too many people turning up at same time.
- Some clubs may already have this in place, or just a paper one of some format.
- If any club needs help with this – especially online booking system then please get in touch.
- NHS QR Code (Scan mobile Device) – LINK HERE
- Log (Paper)
- Details required are NAME and contact TELEPHONE NUMBER
- Details / log to be kept for 21 days
- I would recommend that clubs have both – as not everyone has a smart phone.
ITEMS TO PURCHASE – Some for consideration
- Hand Santisers
- Spray for Mats
- Different coloured jacks
- Different coloured mats
- Signage and posters for hand washing
- Stage 1 – March 29th
- Stage 2 – April 12th
- Stage 3 – May 17th
- Stage 4 – June 21st
Bowls England will issue guidance ONE WEEK before each of these stages. So for April 12th, guidance will come out on the 5th (although this is Easter Monday), so likely will be the 6th. This guidance may go direct from BE to each club secretary but it will also be on the county website and also will be issued via e-mail from George Batey. We would rather members saw it multiple times that not at all.
Bowls England have issues a Back to Bowls – RETURN TO PLAY GUIDANCE but this ONLY covers from March29th to April 11th.
- What you can play – the key aspect is whether it is organised or not
- Maximum Numbers Allowed
- Format of Play Allowed
- Clubhouses
- Spectators
- Vaccinations
- Meetings
- Travel
In addition BE have put together a programme for this year – National Finals and National Competitions, and in my view this should be applauded (although a little surprised all of them are on) – especially when you look 60 miles or so North of us and Bowls Scotland have cancelled their competitions and national finals already.
We will continue to keep you updated as and when we receive updates from BE but if you do have queries please get in touch – e-mail
We as a county would like to work with all clubs collaboratively – and therefore if any club has already some of these processes please can you share / ideas / best practices / checklists / online booking form – this would save some clubs time and effort. Quite clearly at the meeting some clubs have some of these already – so I would appreciate if they could forward any such documents / guidance to myself ( many thanks in advance.
Finally events, as in leagues, cups MAY CHANGE and we will be as flexible as we can. BUT possibly events may have to change due to situations beyond our control or if further restrictions come into play, or if the roadmap dates changes due to increased Covid_19 cases. Of course we sincerely hope this won’t be the case but we cannot predict at all.