This is across all county competitions (including senior 4’s and 4 wood singles championships for example). This is mainly to reach out to members concerning the Men’s competitions (although this rule is across both sections) – as recently there has been instances where draw for rinks in Men’s championships and competitions before a match has started has not taken place and this MUST happen.
I remind you and this is across all county competitions that a minimum of 2 rinks for 1 tie must be offered.
I attach a link (see below) to the Rules & Regulations from Bowls England – that of course who we are affiliated to, and that we must adhere to.
Appendix K: Draw for Rinks
1. A draw for rink/s to be played on shall be made in accordance with the current Laws of the Sport (Law 1.3).
2. For a match requiring one rink, a minimum of two rinks shall be offered to the opponent.
3. For a match requiring more than one rink, the minimum number of rinks offered shall be at least equal to the number of rinks required as follows:
i. One rink required = Two rinks offered
ii. Two rinks required = Two rinks offered
iii. Four rinks required = Four rinks offered
iv. Five rinks required = Five rinks offered
v. Six rinks required = Six rinks offered
4. How rinks are determined for play is a domestic matter