Further to my previous post on this and with the start of the Men’s 4 wood singles tonight – please pay attention to this RULE. This rule is a MUST and MUST be adhered to. The rule has been enforced this year and is showing in the Laws of the Sport (3.1). This applies to Bowls Northumberland County Competitions, i.e. Singles, Pairs, Triples etc, as well as National Competitions (Bowls England) – so we are talking Senior Competitions (Singles, Pairs, Fours), Family Pairs, Mixed Comps and Double Fours (Club Two Fours).
The first paragraph below is taken from the Bowls England Regulations –
Draw for Rinks The draw for rink/s to be played on shall be made in accordance with the current Laws of the Sport (Law 3.1). For a match requiring one rink, a minimum of two rinks shall be offered to the opponent. For a match requiring more than one rink, the minimum number of rinks offered shall be at least equal to the number of rinks required.
This paragraph is taken from the World Bowls – Laws of the Sport Bowls – Crystal Mark Third Edition 3.1
3 Choosing the rinks for play
3.1 The skips, their representatives or the Controlling Body must make the draw for the rinks on which games are to be played.
3.2 In games where competing skips have previously been decided, the visiting skips, their representatives or the Controlling Body must make the draw to decide the numbers of the rinks to be played on.
3.3 If, after the draw for rinks has been made, a player in a competition or game plays on the same rink before the start of play on the day of the competition or game, that player will be disqualified. This does not apply to open tournaments.
3.4 For domestic play, Member National Authorities can decide the requirements for playing or practising on the same rink on the day of a competition or game.
Selecting of Rinks
The actual selection of the rinks can be done in different ways – but after confirming this with Bowls England the best or most suitable way is for example 1 game, this can be pairs or singles will need 2 rinks to be layed out – then the “Away” player would select a disc / or equivalent (these discs not shown when selecting). The other way (but I would not recommend this way at all) is if the “Home” player advises playing on either rink 1 or 2 – then the away player simply states the number. This to me is not ideal, as for example the away player may know the home player’s preference and will clearly state the other rink – this way really does not support the home player at all.
On BE double rinks / club two fours – only two rinks need to be offered.
If there are 6 ties or maximum number of ties available, say 3 – when there is a league game, then the last tie has no choice in offering any rinks as there would only be one rink left / available.
If BOTH players / teams are happy without doing a draw for rinks, then that is their respective choice / decision.
Bowls Northumberland Leagues are NOT affected by this (i.e. Knight Cup, Clegg, Nines)
I hope this helps some of the questions I am receiving – and I also hope a common sense approach will be adopted, if and where required.