Clubs can now sign up for BIG BOWLS WEEKEND
For those that are not aware this is a Bowls England initiative for all clubs to participate, to open their doors, hold open days, taster sessions and ultimately recruit potential new members. The weekend will run from Friday 26th May to Monday 29th May 2023. If you sign up – these is a link within the BE news item – Bowls England will forward free material on to yourselves to help you, beforehand and on the day.
Again I would urge each club to sign up, even if you run events on one day – hopefully you are able to run a couple of sessions, which will help promote our sport and attract new people to our game.
Also within the Bowls England news item it lists a number of free webinars that you can join – that will assist your club – such as Recruitment & Retention and How to Run a Successful Open Day. Again have a look and sign up!