BE NEWS: Some of you may have already seen this via the BE site, or where it has been previously advertised. The aim of this is to showcase our sport at each of our clubs, promote, welcome and attract new members (socially distanced of course and also following the current guidelines within the HM Government roadmap).
I know this may be a bit strange especially with the Pandemic to invite people to your clubs; but we probably all realise in most clubs numbers have declined and not just in the last 12 months. Therefore I would strongly advise you to read the attached from Bowls England outlining this weekend and sign up, after all what have you got to lose, as every new addition / or member is a plus to our sport.
Affiliated clubs who sign up will be able to access FREE resources, including bowls-specific workshops to help run a great event and grow your club. In addition, publicity material and creative resources for social media channels, websites and within your local community will be made available. It will be supported by a national marketing campaign to help raise awareness of the events across the country, and some clubs will get a visit from an England Commonwealth Games Squad bowler.
To note the weekend concerned is the Spring Bank Holiday in May – Friday 28th to Monday 31st May. And to sign up you only need to complete 5 boxes (name, club, county and e-mail address) – so please have a go and SIGN UP.