Thursday will bring our Men’s Fours in to action – they are Dan Bennett, Paul Lawson, Michael Barrass and Gary Myerscough.
Gary were due to face Nottinghamshire at 9:30am this morning, but they withdrew because one of the Nottinghamshire’s team members tested positive for Covid, and the sub they used unable to go due to his wife being in hospital. We wish all concerned a speedy recovery.
Therefore Gary (& co) first game will be in the 1st round at 12:30pm against Warwickshire A – Richard Weaving, James Finch, Paul Finch, Gary Langford (Sherwood Park).
In Round 2 (last 16) – Gary will face a quartet from Shanklin, Isle of Wight (Robbie Hayes, Darren Griffith, Jack Berry, Travis Meller). Unfortunately we lost on the last end by the narrowest of margins.
RESULT: Myerscough 18 v Langford 10 (Warwickshire A)
RESULT: Myerscough 17 v Meller 18 (Isle of Wight)men_fours_PRELIM_260821