As you may be aware the Bowls England National Finals start on Thursday (10th August).
Bowls England have now uploaded the information, as in which rink you are on, and details of names. The women’s information was done earlier, and the Men’s information has been finished off today and loaded on to the BE Competition portal.
I’ve checked the details all seems in order – that is names of our qualifiers and the “A’s” and “‘B’s”.
Again we wish all of our competitors the very best of luck, enjoy it, and bring some silverware back with you!
Finally also please be be aware of the roadworks (as per previous post); in addition have a look at the slow play guidance, remove your stickers before you get there (as either red or white Bowls England stickers will be given to you at the tournament office), and dress code as well, and have a look at the competitors pack (all of this info is on the left hand bar under BE National Finals).
A reminder on dress code – for the national finals – it is county tops / jackets. National Competitions is slightly different – as you can wear your club colours, if required, or by choice. Here is a link to the BE Rules & Regulations (see page 38 onwards for National Finals). As per the other information this can also be found under BE National Finals (and then BE Competitions Regs) (left hand side menu tab).
So for the Men’s side if you do not have a county top please contact myself (John Harthen),
Any questions / concerns please get in touch.