Just received this from Bowls England – and this is the Return to Play Step Two – which comes in to effect from Monday 12th April. To note this will be sent direct to affiliated clubs today. There is also a poster from BE – BE Poster.
The key changes for step 2 are:
- Outdoor Hospitality can open in accordance with the government guidance on hospitality settings.
- Travel should be minimised but can take place for the purpose of sport and physical activity. BUT Car Sharing is not permitted.
- Changing rooms can be opened but participants should be encouraged to avoid or minimise use where possible. Participants should socially distance whilst in changing rooms. Subject to available space, more than one household can use changing facilities at one time but they must not mix and must adhere to capacity limits set by the club. Face coverings should be worn at all times when indoors. This also means the main part of clubhouses cannot be used.
- Spectators are only allowed on public land, i.e. a park.
- Further flexibility has been provided with regard to playing formats and arrangements – slight change in triples and fours. The maximum number is still 24, whether that is organised or informal activity; (apologies for the error on the part I had posted last night – this was from step 1). This bit is taken from the BE guidance – ‘The maximum number of participants on a six-rink outdoor green for ‘organised’ or informal activity at any one time should not exceed 24. Clubs with less or additional rink capacity may amend figures accordingly (average four people per rink) so long as they deem it to be safe’.
- Changes / Additions from the previous document are shown in YELLOW.
- Please read the full document – but in particular the ‘Key Points’ and the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ sections.