I just picked this from the Bowls Development Alliance (BDA) news –
The BDA in partnership with Bowls England, British Crown Green BA, English Indoor BA and Disability Bowls England are pleased to launch Back to Bowls website. The partnership has worked with Prontaprint of Leamington Spa to offer bespoke bowls signage and hygiene products at competitive prices to support clubs with return to play guidance released by each of the governing bodies. All affiliated clubs are also eligible for an extra 10% off the already competitive prices. A discount code will be e-mailed to all affiliated clubs by their respective NGBs (in our case Bowls England).
A free toolkit will also be made available with useful information, ideas, case studies and resources to help clubs return to play safely now that the guidance has been released. To note we are still awaiting BE guidance for step 2 (was meant to be out on Easter Monday) – this comes in effect from April 12th. Hopefully it will be issued tomorrow (Fri 9th April) but who knows! We have asked BE the position and awaiting a reply (to both e-mail and telephone messages!).
Please visit https://backtobowls.co.uk/for signage and hygiene products.
I realise this may not be for everyone but it may help some of you that were looking at such things; at worst it may give you an idea on what you can do yourselves or what you need to help your members. Although some prices seem a little high to say the least when I’ve looked through it – anyway have a look and it might help you tailor your own signs or posters etc etc.