On your Markers…

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On Saturday 25th January, an official EUBA Markers course was held in the Northeast, hooray.

Within five minutes of it going live all 25 spaces were taken and we managed to squeeze another two for good measure.

The morning session was a fun question and answer where the questions went from the simple to the more mind searching. From a quick one-word answer to a lengthy discussion. We all learnt three lengths which will be in people’s minds for the rest of their bowling career.

Do you know the significance of 14m, 20m and 23m?

Could you name eight reasons why a bowl may be declared dead?

What do you do if a Bowl hits a player and disturbs the head?

Just three of the facts that were learnt on the day of the course.


The afternoon session was on the green with 11 measuring exercises.

Again, from the simple to the trickier.

By the end of the session everybody knew how to use the callipers and some even confident in using them.

All knew the significance of the 14M, 20M and 23M measurement.

Coupled with the measuring exercise was a session on your role as a marker i.e. where to stand, what to answer, how to fill in a correct scorecard and how to keep the flow of the game going.

The feedback from this course has been nothing but positive. With one or two people already considering going further.

This is the first step if you are looking at becoming a qualified marker and/or Umpire

If you want to be confident in knowing the laws and the significance of 14, 20 & 23 metres, why not keep an eye out for the next date?

– Anne-Marie Murray 


Our thanks goes out to Anne-Marie Murray, Regional Umpire, for going the extra mile in organising such a well received event – first of what I hoped will be a regular occurrence in the North!