Important – Safeguarding Update & Reminder

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Firstly, I would like to thank all club secretaries for completing the Safeguarding survey issued earlier this year. Based on the results received, our county is on track for every club having a Safeguarding Officer in place before the May 2025 deadline.

Northumberland Safeguarding Survey Results
  • Safeguarding Officer in place – 60.4%
  • Recruiting (not yet in place) – 12.5%
  • Without a Safeguarding Officer – 27.1%


If your club has since appointed a Safeguarding Officer, please ensure you update the Bowls England Safeguarding Register ASAP.

For smaller clubs without a Safeguarding Officer in place:

In the latest guidance packs Bowls England have recommended that clubs explore the option of sharing a Safeguarding officer however, a formal agreement must be put in place to clarify responsibilities, Bowls England can help with this.

Important reminder that the role of a Safeguarding Officer is not just limited to children and vulnerable adults, but extends to ensuring a safe, positive, environment free from abuse and harassment for ALL individuals. This is why it is crucial all clubs have someone appointed in this role.

Latest Safeguarding Officer training dates

Safeguarding Officer Status by Club: