Middleton Cup Runners Up

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Well, what a day…….the lads unfortunately lost in a close final to Wiltshire in the Middleton Cup this afternoon.  I know this may be disappointing but to finish runners up in England in the Middleton Cup in some achievement. To note we have not been in a final in over 30 years + (the last final we competed in was in 1988), so through Neil’s management and players performance, strength, and will to win, we must congratulate each and every one of them.

Back to earlier today and I’m led to believe and this comes from both counties, that the game this morning was one or indeed the best semi final of the Middleton Cup to have been played. The game throughout was played hard, fair, and sportsmanship throughout and of course drama. Drama…well the game went to an extra end, as after 126 ends the counties could not be separated. The extra end (to note all 6 rinks play the extra end) went down to the last bowl and we got the vital shot to win the semi final by 1.

This afternoon we faced Wiltshire (not sure if we have ever played them before) – anyway on to the game, the early stages were tight – we led 29 to 27 after 6 ends, but Wiltshire overturned this and led 63 – 56 over the next few ends. At 14 ends we were still in touch, trailing only by 8 – 72 – 64 (@ 14 ends), Wiltshire continued to lead and extended their lead slightly to 85 – 72 (after 100 ends completed). This pattern unfortunately continued and a lead that Wiltshire would not surrender despite our efforts (92 – 79 @ 18 ends); and the final score 106 – 91 (after 123 ends).

Congratulations to Wiltshire on lifting the Middleton Cup, and also to Buckinghamshire today – again the way the game was played and excitement (and nerves) it brought to many! You can watch the game on the rink skipped by Phil Harvey on BE TV – hopefully this link works for you.

Finally well done to Neil and all the players today, and through the season – you have done yourselves proud, represented the county so well, and hopefully this will be the first of many visits to the national finals with the Middleton Cup, and we will be back next year and to go one better. Well done and congratulations to all.