As you may know the Men’s county games are approaching – the first one being the Muras Cup double header at Blackhall Bandits BC, with us playing Durham at 9:30am and then Yorkshire about 12:30pm – on Saturday 27th May.
The following week is our first group game in the Middleton Cup – where we face Lancashire at Gosforth at 1pm (Saturday 3rd June).
Also in addition the White Rose (Under 25 Double Rinks) – we play Derbyshire at Dunnington BC, Yorkshire on Sunday 21st May at 12 midday. So under 25’s – can you advise your availability as well.
Team Manager (John Harthen) needs to know your availability for both competitions and dates asap. As you know the Muras Cup games will certainly help in terms of selection for the Middleton Cup games.
A prompt reply would be most appreciated – thank you.