Men’s AGM Update

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Just a brief update on the Men’s AGM that took place yesterday virtually.

The current officers were all re-elected and also 5 of the GPC (General Purposes Committee)

President – John Harthen (Gosforth) (PP)

Honorary Secretary – George Batey (Alnwick) (PP)

Honorary Treasurer – currently vacant (George Batey is acting tresurer currently)

Honorary Competition Secretary – John Harthen (Gosforth) (PP)

Honorary League Secretary – Jim Holmes (Gosforth) (PP)

Honorary Assistant Secretary – Bob Miller (Alnwick (PP)

GPC Members – Keith Rowe (PP) (Rothbury), Rob Donkin (Rothbury), Neil Aitchison (St. Georges), John Philip (Forest Hall), Phil Warren (Westerhope Community)

(to note PP = Past President)

With 5 GPC members only standing, that means we have a vacancy for one member. The reason for this as Steve Pallas (Gosforth) who had served on the GPC for a while, decided he was no longer continuing. The county would like to record the hard work Steve has done over the years he has served on the executive, and we wish Steve the very best for the future.

If anyone is interested in the Hon. Treasurer Position and / or GPC please contact John Harthen or George Batey at your earliest opportunity – for example some of you may be wondering the commitment, work and time involved – and John and George can assist on all of these aspects.

Following the AGM there was a separate meeting afterwards which was very productive – which was mainly / or all about Covid_19 – I will publish this in a separate post as there are many items / and discussion points involved.