Alsop Cup Go Ahead

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Just to advise despite the announcement last night on restrictions this is to confirm that the Alsop Cup can GO AHEAD this year – at this point in time.

As this comes under organised sport – see below.

Adults and children can take part in outdoor sport with any number of participants, where it is formally organised (for example, by a national governing body, business or charity) and follows COVID-secure guidance. This applies to organised outdoor (individual and team) sports, outdoor exercise classes, organised sports participation events and outdoor licensed physical activity.

Therefore the ALSOP can go ahead as it is formally organised

When not taking part in organised sport (such as before and after matches), people must adhere to the rules on social contact. People can meet outdoors in groups of up to 30 people, we are still okay here as long as we don’t exceed 30 in a group pre & post matches.

Changing rooms can open but their use should be minimised. Changing rooms are areas of increased risk, so people should shower and change at home where possible. If participants do need to use changing rooms, they must adhere to legal gathering limits, and should be advised to minimise time spent inside and maintain social distancing from those they do not live with or share a support bubble with.

When car sharing, you should only travel in groups of no more than 6 people, or 2 households, unless you are travelling for a reason that is exempt.

You can protect yourself and those you are sharing a car with by:

  • sharing the car with the same people each time and, where possible, only with members of your household or support bubble
  • minimising the group size at any one time
  • opening windows for ventilation
  • travelling side by side or behind other people, rather than facing them, where seating arrangements allow
  • facing away from each other
  • considering seating arrangements to maximise distance between people in the vehicle
  • cleaning your car between journeys using standard cleaning products – make sure you clean door handles and other areas that people may touch
  • asking the driver and passengers to wear a face covering