Nines Division 1 League Holders: Gosforth BC
All rules relating to Nines League along with ALL Leagues can be found by this link: RULES
Any further questions with regards to our leagues should be directed to the League Secretary Jim Holmes
1 East Benton Farm Cottages, Benton, Newcastle upon Tyne. NE12 9SH. Tel: 07375519006 Email:
PLEASE ARRANGE AND PLAY POSTPONED MATCHES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. The last date by which outstanding league matches must be played is 30th August 2022.
PLEASE NOTE: There are 4 Friday fixtures with dates for the first 4 Fridays in the league season. Ideally if these can be played on these dates, but if not these fixtures can be played on a date that is mutually agreed between the respective clubs, however it must be played no later than 30 July 2022.